PhD and Post-Doctoral Study

The University of Auckland Swallowing and Voice Research Laboratory includes a productive group of over 20 students per year working on research related to swallowing physiology and swallowing difficulties across the lifespan from neonates to older age.

The Lab holds a comprehensive normative database of video fluoroscopic swallowing studies. This includes 120 healthy New Zealanders aged 20-98 years old as well as more than 8000 video fluoroscopic studies of children and adults with dysphagia and over 1000 endoscopic evaluations of swallowing. Research is being completed investigating the predictive value of objective swallowing measures and airway responsiveness on aspiration in both adults and children. We have build greater understanding of the effect of age on swallowing function. We have studied Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) and Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (EMST) on voice, swallowing and cough function.

Populations of interest include head and neck cancer, oesophageal dysphagia, cardiac surgery and Parkinson’s disease. In addition to our studies with people with swallowing difficulties within district health boards, we also have an education focus. We are investigating the efficacy of innovative teaching approaches including simulation and virtual patients on allied health education both at under-graduate and post-graduate level. 

Our Lab also provides opportunity for voice studies, offering access to state-of-the-art voice measurement instruments including stroboscopy, electroglottography, soundproof recording booths, measurement-grade acousitic recording equipment, and aerodynamic voice anlaysis equipment.

We welcome expressions of interest from prospective PhD and Post-Doc candidates with a background in Dietetics, Speech-language Therapy, Otolaryngology, Food Science, Physiology or Engineering. Further, interdisciplinary studies in Singing-Voice Science are considered where appropriate co-supervisory teams are available.

If you would like to enquire about conducting research with the Swallowing and Voice Lab, please complete the form below or email

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Useful information for prospective students